You Need to Know about it How to Make a Structure of Dissertation

There are a few different ways to set up a dissertation. The table of contents is one way to do this, as it provides a quick overview of the structure of the document. Word has an automatic table of contents feature. This table is an excellent place to include images, such as figures, charts, tables, and even captions for them. You should number these elements as well. Appendices When using appendices in your dissertation, make sure you follow the correct formatting rules. Your appendix should be titled the same way as your main body text. You will need to put a label on the page. It is best to cite your third-party sources as normal references throughout the body text and appendix, rather than a separate reference list. To properly format your appendix, follow the guidelines outlined in APA. Your appendices should include raw data, interviews, surveys, transcripts, correspondence, and other sources you used during the research process. It is important to mention these sour...