You Need to Know about it How to Make a Structure of Dissertation


There are a few different ways to set up a dissertation. The table of contents is one way to do this, as it provides a quick overview of the structure of the document. Word has an automatic table of contents feature. This table is an excellent place to include images, such as figures, charts, tables, and even captions for them. You should number these elements as well.


When using appendices in your dissertation, make sure you follow the correct formatting rules. Your appendix should be titled the same way as your main body text. You will need to put a label on the page. It is best to cite your third-party sources as normal references throughout the body text and appendix, rather than a separate reference list. To properly format your appendix, follow the guidelines outlined in APA.

Your appendices should include raw data, interviews, surveys, transcripts, correspondence, and other sources you used during the research process. It is important to mention these sources as the first place when you cite them, rather than the last time you mention an interview. You should also keep in mind that the structure of dissertation  may vary from one dissertation format to another.

Table of contents

The table of contents is an essential part of any written work, but it's even more important for dissertations. There are several norms and methodology to follow when making a table of contents, but the bottom line is to provide your reader with a helpful guide to your entire dissertation. Luckily, Microsoft Word's Table of Contents generation feature has made this process a breeze for writers around the world.

Before creating the table of contents, make sure to format the text consistently. If you're making changes to your dissertation's style, you'll need to update your table of contents. You can do this by going to your document's References tab. Click on 'References' to open a dialogue box. In this dialogue box, choose 'Update Entire Table'. Your document will be formatted accordingly.

Table of contents section

In most cases, the table of contents (TOC) will be found after the abstract and title page. It will then contain a list of chapters and appendices. There are also introductory pages and references. Usually, a TOC is the same size as the rest of the dissertation, and can contain up to five levels of headings. Headings should be styled consistently, but they do not need to match the rest of the document.

If you use Microsoft Word, you can find a sample of a table of contents under the References tab. In Microsoft Word, you can update the table of contents automatically. Afterwards, you must reformat the whole dissertation. To do so, click on the reference tab and select 'Update Entire Table'. This will display all changes in the table of contents. This step is vital, because a table of contents that doesn't match the document's formatting is likely to confuse your readers and cause them to skip over important sections.

Literature review chapter

The Review of Literature in a dissertation is written prior to the first chapter of the dissertation to ensure that the work is original. Many inexperienced advisors will allow the student to set up Chapter 1 details before writing the literature review. The Review of Literature should discuss research studies related to the study topic. If the work does not collect data, the chapter should end with a statement that the work does not fill a gap in knowledge.

A literature review is an in-depth discussion of academic sources. The review can be structured by chronological order, methodological framework, or themes. Links between arguments and academic sources show that you have familiarity with academic research. However, excluding opposing views can diminish the methodological robustness of the review. It is also advisable to include the research of multiple authors and to draw parallels across different periods. After writing a Literature Review, you should incorporate it into your main body and discussion section.


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